Men’s Ministry

Men’s Group Study

History is filled with faithful men of God who started a movement in their generation.  There are also countless men who have fallen victim to fear and the demands of life. Often, it may feel like you don’t have what it takes to lead at the level you desire at work or in your family. But you do? God put it in you. He also knows that you can’t go it alone. Gather together with other like-minded men and receive encouragement on your journey with Jesus.

(Insert description of study.)

Man University

Man-U is for all men who desire to be on a quest for authentic, biblical manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ. These gatherings are designed to train men to find and solidify their passion, purpose, calling, and convictions to live life on mission for the glory of God.

Oil Change for Single Moms and Widows

Northwoods Men’s Ministry is hosting its annual free oil change for single moms and widows! You can drop off your car and wait inside while we take care of the oil change. There will be coffee and donuts for you while you wait. We will also have a movie playing inside, so feel free to bring your kids along!

You must register in advance and know the make, model, and year of your car. Unfortunately, we cannot accept walk-ins.

Date Night with Dad

Dads and father figures out there—take your special girl, or girls, out for a date on November 11! We will have dancing, photos, a gift, and priceless memories made with daughters and the dad in their life.