Women’s Ministry

Women’s Group Study

Women’s groups seek to invite women into a personal and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ. Together, we can become women who encourage and empower one another, extend grace and forgiveness, and lovingly serve those around us. We seek to experience our own forgiveness and freedom, while growing deeper in our understanding of who God says we are.

(Insert description of study.)

The Well

The Well is an on-campus daytime gathering where ordinary women can experience God in extraordinary ways. Twice a month, meet with friends, experience live biblical teaching, and have lots of time for discussion and prayer!

*One-time childcare cost of $30 for 1 child or $60 if 2 or more children. This is not included in the $20 registration fee.


Day-to-day life can leave women exhausted and discouraged, but God wants us to experience an abundant life full of unity, love, and encouragement! Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or work full time, whether you’re a student or retired, or whether you’ve been a Christian your whole life or still have questions about who Jesus is, Woven is for you. Woven is a night of live worship, teaching, and prayer. It’s a space designed for women to come together to encourage each other on our journeys, no matter where we’re at in life. Invite your friends and come get filled up at Woven.