Prayer Events

Intercession for Israel

Join us for on Fridays from 9–10am in the Missions conference room for a weekly one hour prayer time for Israel.


Get Prayer

We all have seasons when life gets complicated, confusing, or challenging—and we need people praying with us! Make an appointment for a one-hour Get Prayer session and enjoy a safe time during which prayer team members will listen and pray for you or for someone you are concerned about.


Prayer Room

Set aside time over your lunch hour and join us for prayer and worship every Tuesday from 6-8pm and Friday from 12-1pm on the 4th floor of the Prayer Tower.


The Healing Place

At the Healing Place service, we focus in on physical healing. We teach about physical healing and pray for physical healing. Why? Because Jesus is alive, he healed when we walked the earth, and he still heals today! If you or someone you know has sickness, chronic illness, or any need for physical healing, join us for this powerful prayer service.


Prophetic Prayer Appointment

Whether you’ve had a great week or a tough one, who couldn’t use some encouragement from time to time? Check out Prophetic Prayer! These appointments are an opportunity for you to receive a powerful spiritual boost as our trained team shares with you what God has on His heart that day for you. You will go away inspired and encouraged!